《The Admirable》Topic Talk PPT
Activity 1
Pair Work: Who do you admire?
quality: a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something
Activity 2
Listen and complete the Text Builder.
I think my uncle is someone I admire. He is a _________.
I think they are admirable because they ____________________.
I admire them because they are so _______.
Activity 3
Use the Text Builder to talk about the person you admire.
Expressions you might need:
help people in danger
fight for justice
work hard and creatively
... ... ...
Activity 6
Quote … UnquoteRead the quote on page 51. Which quote do you like the most? Why?
1. Experience acclaims as happiest the man who has made the greatest number of people happy. — Karl Marx
2. The aim of living is making better lives for others. — Lei Feng
3. This is the mark of a really admirable man: steadfastness in the face of trouble. — Ludwig van Beethoven
4. There are admirable potentialities in every human being. — André Gide
《The Admirable》Viewing Workshop PPT Activity 1 What do you remember about Martin Luther King? Discuss the meaning of the two quotes. I have a dream that one day, on the..
《The Admirable》Writing Workshop PPT Activity 1 What is a summary? A brief statement or account of the main points of something. How do you write a summary? 1. Read the ..
《The Admirable》Lesson3 The Superhero Behind Superman PPT Activity 1 Who do you think is a superhero? What makes him/her a superhero? Activity 2 What do you want to know..
发布于:2020-05-03 14:22:42
《The Admirable》Viewing Workshop PPT
Activity 1
What do you remember about Martin Luther King?
Discuss the meaning of the two quotes.
“I have a dream that one day, on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.”
“I have a dream that one day, even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.”
Activity 2
Watch again. What do you see in the video? Try to describe the scene and the audience.
Lots of people were listening to Martin Luther King’s speech. They were all African Americans. And they were very excited and inspired by King’s speech.
Activity 3
What impression has this speech made on you? Talk about your feelings and explain why.
Activity 4
Write down the repeated expressions and put down the times they are repeated. Then discuss their effects with your partners.
Activity 5
Why has Martin Luther King’s speech inspired many people?
His facial expression
His intonation and volume of sound
His use of gestures
The content of the speech
His facial expression
Start with a smile to make your audience feel welcome. Audience depend on facial expressions to add to meaning.
His intonation and volume of sound
A speech that is monotone, without variation in tone and melody, will bore the audience. Decide which words and passages need extra attention and increase the tone to emphasise these points. If something sounds exaggerated or false, your audience can turn against you.
Speak aloud so that the audience can hear you. To draw the audience’s attention to certain parts of a speech, try varying the volume.
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《The Admirable》Topic Talk PPT Activity 1 Pair Work: Who do you admire? quality: a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something Activity 2 L..
《The Admirable》Writing Workshop PPT Activity 1 What is a summary? A brief statement or account of the main points of something. How do you write a summary? 1. Read the ..
《The Admirable》Lesson3 The Superhero Behind Superman PPT Activity 1 Who do you think is a superhero? What makes him/her a superhero? Activity 2 What do you want to know..
发布于:2020-05-03 14:22:42
《The Admirable》Writing Workshop PPT
Activity 1
What is a summary?
A brief statement or account of the main points of something.
How do you write a summary?
1. Read the article to be summarised and be sure you understand it.
2. Highlight important information and take notes.
3. In your own words, write down the main points of each section.
4. Write down the key support points for the main topic, but do not include minor details.
5. Write a first draft of the summary without looking at the article.
Tick (√) the statements that are true about summary writing.
( ) 1. A summary should include all the main and supporting information.
( ) 2. A summary should leave out unnecessary details like examples and explanations.
( ) 3. You can add your own opinion in a summary.
( ) 4. It is important to use your own words in the summary.
Activity 2
Read the summary of “A Medical Pioneer”, and answer questions.
1. What main points of the original text are included?
Tu Youyou was awarded a Nobel Prize for her discovery of artemisinin.
2. What information of the original text is left out? Why?
The key life events about Tu Youyou introduced in the news article:
—she was born in Zhejiang Province,China in 1930.
—she studied medicine at Peking University and then studied Chinese medicine for two and a half years.
—her team tested the chemical on animals.
—she was selected as one of the most influential figures of science in the 20th Century.
3. Does the summary include the opinion of the summary writer?
... ... ...
Activity 5
The Superhero Behind Superman
1. How many parts can it be divided into?
2. What does each part focus on?
Part 1 ( ) _____________________________
Part 2 ( ) _____________________________
Part 3 ( ) _____________________________
Part 4 ( ) _____________________________
Activity 6
The Superhero Behind Superman
Read the text again. Underline the key words. Summarise each part in one sentence.
Activity 7
Compose your writing.
1. Drafting
2. Editing
•use the Peer Editing Sheet on page 90.
《The Admirable》Topic Talk PPT Activity 1 Pair Work: Who do you admire? quality: a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something Activity 2 L..
《The Admirable》Viewing Workshop PPT Activity 1 What do you remember about Martin Luther King? Discuss the meaning of the two quotes. I have a dream that one day, on the..
《The Admirable》Lesson3 The Superhero Behind Superman PPT Activity 1 Who do you think is a superhero? What makes him/her a superhero? Activity 2 What do you want to know..
发布于:2020-05-03 14:22:42
《The Admirable》Lesson3 The Superhero Behind Superman PPT
Activity 1
Who do you think is a superhero?
What makes him/her a superhero?
Activity 2
What do you want to know about Christopher Reeve?
Activity 3
Read the story.
Have you found the answers to any of your questions? Please share.
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Activity 11
What inspiration do you get from Christopher Reeve?
Share in groups of four.
Suggested answer
Never give up no matter how bad the condition is.
Have a sense of obligation, including the obligation to family, the obligation to society, etc.
You don’t need to be a superman to help others. Everybody can help others with the kindness inside you.
Activity 12
Use what you have learnt to introduce a superhero in real life that you admire.
《The Admirable》Topic Talk PPT Activity 1 Pair Work: Who do you admire? quality: a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something Activity 2 L..
《The Admirable》Viewing Workshop PPT Activity 1 What do you remember about Martin Luther King? Discuss the meaning of the two quotes. I have a dream that one day, on the..
《The Admirable》Writing Workshop PPT Activity 1 What is a summary? A brief statement or account of the main points of something. How do you write a summary? 1. Read the ..
发布于:2020-05-03 14:22:42
《The Admirable》Lesson2 History Makers PPT
Activity 1
Do you know this person?
What do you know about Mahatma Gandhi?
What about this person?
What do you know about Martin Luther King?
Write G for Gandhi and K for King next to the sentences that match them.
( )1. He fought to win equal rights for black people in the US.
( )2. He led his country to independence from British rule.
( )3. He organised peaceful protests.
( )4. He suffered racial discrimination in South Africa.
( )5. He gave a famous and inspiring speech which started with the words “I have a dream”.
( )6. He was put behind bars many times.
( )7. He inspired people around the world to fight for equal rights and justice.
( )8. He won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Activity 2
Read sentences about Martin Luther King. Listen, add years and order.
a organised a march to Washington, D.C. 1963
b organised a bus protest to help black people win the right to sit next to white people on buses. ______
c was killed. ______
d had to give up his seat to two white people on a bus because he was black. ______
e received the Nobel Peace Prize. ______
Activity 3
Listen again. Complete the answers to questions about Martin Luther King.
1. What did he suffer?
He suffered ________________________.
2. What did he do?
He organised _______________________________________________________.
He helped black people _____________________________________________.
3.What did he achieve?
He received ____________________________________.
He inspired people around the world _______________________________.
... ... ...
Activity 7
Listen, imitate and complete the Talk Builder.
Expressing Certainty and Uncertainty
1. ____________________ that he was one of the most important figures of the 20th century.
2. Yes, I _____________.
3 Actually, I ___________ Gandhi ever won a Nobel Peace Prize.
4. I’m pretty _______ he didn’t.
1. I __________ about the exact date.
2. ________? Are you ____________________?
3. ______________ if that’s true …
4. ___________ we should check a few other websites.
Activity 8
Present a history maker for China.
Choose a person whom you regard as a history maker for China.
Search online and find information about him/her.
Make a short presentation about the person.
《The Admirable》Topic Talk PPT Activity 1 Pair Work: Who do you admire? quality: a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something Activity 2 L..
《The Admirable》Viewing Workshop PPT Activity 1 What do you remember about Martin Luther King? Discuss the meaning of the two quotes. I have a dream that one day, on the..
《The Admirable》Writing Workshop PPT Activity 1 What is a summary? A brief statement or account of the main points of something. How do you write a summary? 1. Read the ..
发布于:2020-05-03 14:22:41
《The Admirable》Lesson1 A Medical Pioneer PPT
Activity 1
What do you know about malaria?
Read the facts about malaria. Tick the ones you find most striking or interesting.
( ) 1. Malaria is a mosquito-borne and infectious disease.
( ) 2. The word “malaria” comes from the Latin word for “bad air”.
( ) 3. People suffer from high fever, serious vomiting and terrible headaches when they have the disease.
( ) 4. Malaria kills over 1,000,000 people a year—more people than any disease apart from AIDS.
( ) 5. The drug with artemisinin has proved to be the most effective cure.
( ) 6. There is currently no effective vaccine against malaria.
Activity 2
Pair Work: What do you know about Tu Youyou?
Activity 3
What do you want to know about Tu Youyou?
If you are going to interview Tu Youyou, what questions do you want to ask her?
Activity 4
Read the text and find out.
1. How many of your questions are answered in the text?
2. What else do you want to know?
Activity 5
Read, complete and introduce Tu Youyou to your partner.
... ... ...
Activity 11
Join the pairs of sentences using relative pronouns.
1. We climbed to the top of the mountain. We had a beautiful view from there.
We climbed to the top of the mountain, from where we had a beautiful view.
2. David is my friend. I often play tennis with him.
David is my friend with whom I often play tennis.
3. He has 20 books. Only two of them are interesting.
He has 20 books of which only two of them are interesting.
4. This is quite an interesting job. I really want to apply for it.
This is quite an interesting job for which I really want to apply.
Activity 12
Express Yourself.
Suppose your school wants to choose three most admirable people as role models. You have one minute to persuade the committee to include Tu Youyou. Use at least three relative clauses to present your recommendation.
《The Admirable》Topic Talk PPT Activity 1 Pair Work: Who do you admire? quality: a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something Activity 2 L..
《The Admirable》Viewing Workshop PPT Activity 1 What do you remember about Martin Luther King? Discuss the meaning of the two quotes. I have a dream that one day, on the..
《The Admirable》Writing Workshop PPT Activity 1 What is a summary? A brief statement or account of the main points of something. How do you write a summary? 1. Read the ..
发布于:2020-05-03 14:22:41
《The Admirable》SectionⅥ PPT
(Ⅰ)Learn to write after the model
On 7 December, 2015, Tu Youyou was awarded a Nobel Prize for her discovery of artemisinin, a life-saving drug for malaria.
Tu Youyou majored in medicine in university and later studied Chinese medicine with experts in the field.
In 1969, Tu Youyou was given the mission to set up a team to find a cure for malaria.When worldwide scientists failed to find a cure using modern chemicals, Tu Youyou turned to Chinese herbs for help.Despite their limited resources and hundreds of failed experiments, they found a possible chemical.In order to test the medicine, Tu Youyou and her team tested the medicine on their own bodies.They finally discovered the most effective drug to cure the disease.
Although Tu Youyou has won the Nobel Prize and become well-known, she is uninterested in fame and prefers to continue her research.
(Ⅱ)Preparation for writing—Words and phrases
①________________ n.发现
②________________ n. 概要;摘要
③________________ n. 队;组
④________________ adj. 吸引人的
⑤________________ n. 进步
⑥________________ n. 研究
⑦________________ adj. 好相处的
⑧________________ 主修
⑨________________ 毕业于
⑩________________ 对……有天赋
⑪________________ 努力做
⑫________________ 更喜欢, 宁愿
⑬__________________ 给某人树立一个好榜样
⑭________________ 被认为/看作是……
⑮________________ 作为……而被铭记
Write a summary of the text “ The Superhero Behind Superman ”.
Step 1 List the outline of the passage.
Step 2 List the words,phrases and sentences.
1.Words and phrases
①________________ n.贡献
②________________ n. 尊敬
③________________ adj. 著名的
④________________ n. 成就;成绩
⑤________________ 出生于
⑥________________ 被认为是
⑦_________________________ 取得显著进步
⑧________________ 献身于
⑨________________ 高度评价
⑩________________ 参加选拔
②里夫解释说,尽管他可能激励了数百万人,“我所做的是基于我们内心的力量……你不需要成为‘超人’才能做到这一点。” (宾语从句;主语从句)
Step 3 Draft the article by using the following words.
and, from then on, unfortunately, although,shortly after, but
Christopher Reeve not only played a superhero in many of the Superman films, but he was also a superhero to many in real life.
Reeve acted in his first school play at the age of eight.As an actor, he tried out for, and starred in four Superman films from 1978 to 1987.From then on, he became a world-famous actor.
Unfortunately, a terrible thing happened in 1995.Reeve was thrown from a horse and broke his neck.At first, doctors did not expect him to live.However, “Superman” didn’t give up.Although he could never walk again, Reeve began his new life with dignity and courage.Shortly after his accident, Reeve returned to filmmaking.Over the next few years, he devoted himself to helping those in need.
Christopher Reeve died on 10 October, 2004.But he will always be regarded as a superhero—in more ways than one.
Ⅲ.Post-writing—polishing the passage
Exchange your passage with your partner,and pay attention to the following points.
□1.Is the format of the summary appropriate?
□2.Are there any spelling mistakes?
□3.Are there any grammatical mistakes like the tenses(时态)?
□4.Does the summary include all the main contents?
□5.Is written English correctly used?
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The Admirable PPT,第二部分内容:亮点表达
Yao Ming is a great basketball player in China or even in the world.
Martin Luther King is now regarded as one of the heroes of the 20th century.
Einstein, who discovered the“Relativity Theory”, is well known in the world.
Howard Carter is one of the most famous explorers that the world has ever known.
Shakespeare, who was a son from a poor family, a man of little education, wrote plays and poems that are read all over the world.
Tomas Edison, born in America, was a great scientist and inventor.
Sb still live in one’s heart. 某人仍然活在……心里。
Sb set a good example to...某人为……树立了好榜样。
Sb be respected by...某人受到……的尊重。
Sb be honored as...某人被尊为……
Sb be regarded/accepted as...某人被认为/接受为……
Sb become a world champion at...某人在……成为世界冠军。
... ... ...
The Admirable PPT,第三部分内容:写作技巧
《The Admirable》Topic Talk PPT Activity 1 Pair Work: Who do you admire? quality: a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something Activity 2 L..
《The Admirable》Viewing Workshop PPT Activity 1 What do you remember about Martin Luther King? Discuss the meaning of the two quotes. I have a dream that one day, on the..
《The Admirable》Writing Workshop PPT Activity 1 What is a summary? A brief statement or account of the main points of something. How do you write a summary? 1. Read the ..
发布于:2020-05-03 14:22:38
《The Admirable》SectionⅤ PPT
1.Please write me a ____________(概要)of this report.
2.He had proved himself a most ____________(勇敢的)airman.
3.A strong man will bear ____________ (hard) without complaining.
4.Advertising is often the most ____________ (effect) method of promotion.
5.New scientific ____________ (discover) are being made every day.
6.We ____________ (original) intended to stay for just a few days.
1.She ________________(主修)maths and physics at university.
2.________________(为了)get more money they can do anything.
3.We should brush our teeth ________________(至少)twice a day.
4.This job ________________(要求)skill and patience.
5.The rocket ________________(发射)from its launching pad.
6.Only then will I ________________(有机会做)achieve my dream.
7.I went shopping ________________(尽管)the rain.
1.I thought 21 hours was too short to stay in space.
[仿写] 这本书太难了,我读不了。
The book is _________________________.
2.This was a time when the German Nazis were killing Jews.
[仿写] 这是在两国交战时期。
______________________ the two countries were at war.
1.名词后缀:-ary, -ship, -y
①hard (adj.)→hardship(n.)
②discover (v.)→discovery(n.)
2.形容词后缀:-ing, -ive
①dare (v.)→daring (adj.)
②increase (v.)→increasing (adj.)
③effect (n.)→effective (adj.)
④impress (v.)→impressive (adj.)
①original (adj.)→originally (adv.)
②actual (adj.) → actually (adv.)
1.“too...to ...” 结构。
2.“this was a time when...” 固定 句型。
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The Admirable PPT,第二部分内容:课文整体突破
1.summary n.概要;摘要;总结
You are going to write a summary of the text “ The Superhero Behind Superman”.(教材P62)你要写一篇关于《超人背后的超级英雄》的文章摘要。
Please write me a summary of this report.请替我写一份这份报告的摘要。
In summary, this is an excellent book for white collar workers.
Let’s make a summary of the lesson, OK?我们来总结一下这节课,好吗?
①____________ summary 总的来说;总之
②make a summary ____________ 对……总结
[巩固内化] 单句语法填空
①Below is a ____________ (summarize) of what we talked about.
②____________ summary, we should use the Internet in a proper way.
③Please send a speaker from your group to make a summary ____________ your discussion.
2.wave vi.挥手致意,招手;起伏;飘扬 n.波浪;挥手
When Yang Liwei climbed out of the spaceship, he smiled and waved to the crowds waiting for him.(教材P65)
They waved to us to stay where we were.他们向我们挥手,要我们留在原地。
I’ll be back in a moment, and if you need anything, just wave to/at me.
He waved goodbye to his dad and left his home for London to begin a new life.
①wave ____________/at sb 向某人挥手/招手
②wave goodbye ____________ sb 向某人挥手告别
[巩固内化] 完成句子
①On seeing me, she ____________________________.
②At the railway station, the mother ________________________________ until the train was out of sight.
3.lift off(宇宙飞船)升空,发射;(飞机等)起飞
China’s first manned spaceship lifted off on 15 October, 2003.(教材P65)
[短语记牢] 记牢下列短语
lift up 举起;提起;使受到鼓舞
lift one’s head up 把头抬起来
give sb a lift 让某人搭便车;让某人振奋起来
①He lifted up the rock without effort.他毫不费力地举起石头。
②I looked at you, and you lifted your head up slowly.
③Sorry to bother you, but can you give me a lift home?
[巩固内化] 单句语法填空
①She lifted ____________ her hand to knock on the door once again.
②The plane lifted ____________ on time regardless of the bad weather.
③If you are driving to the airport, can you give me ____________ lift?
④I lifted ______________my head, and took a firm stand on the rock.
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《The Admirable》Topic Talk PPT Activity 1 Pair Work: Who do you admire? quality: a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something Activity 2 L..
《The Admirable》Viewing Workshop PPT Activity 1 What do you remember about Martin Luther King? Discuss the meaning of the two quotes. I have a dream that one day, on the..
《The Admirable》Writing Workshop PPT Activity 1 What is a summary? A brief statement or account of the main points of something. How do you write a summary? 1. Read the ..
发布于:2020-05-03 14:22:37
《The Admirable》SectionⅣ PPT
1.Discussion—Do you know Christopher Reeve? What would you like to know about him?
2.Predicting—Look at the pictures on Page 58 and predict what the text is probably about?
1.First reading—Read the text and answer the following questions.
(1)When and where was Christopher Reeve born?
(2)What happened to Christopher Reeve while horseback riding in 1995?
(3)When did Christopher Reeve die?
2.Second reading—Read the text carefully and choose the best answer.
(1)When did Christopher Reeve star in his first school play?
A.At the age of 6. B.At the age of 8.
C.At the age of 18. D.At the age of 9.
(2)How many Superman films did Christopher Reeve star in from 1978 to 1987?
A.Only one. B.Three.
C.Four. D.Five.
(3)What did Christopher Reeve’s doctors believe at first?
A.He wouldn’t survive.
B.He would recover soon.
C.He would walk again.
D.His injuries weren’t severe.
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The Admirable PPT,第二部分内容:语言现象感知
1.He found his passion in acting and starred in his first school play at the age of eight.____________
2....he soon gained a reputation for raising awareness for good causes.____________
3.It was only due to the ongoing support of his wife, family and friends that he eventually found the will to live again.______________________________
4.With a new sense of energy and commitment, Reeve undertook an intense exercise programme to help him achieve this goal.__________________________
1.be known as_______________
2.try out for____________
3.star in____________
4.help those most in need________________________
5.focus one’s attention on________________
6.a wide range of______________________
7.make remarkable progress__________________
8.shortly after__________________
9.in support of____________
10.be remembered as ______________________
At first, his doctors did not believe that he would survive.
He fell into a depression which lasted for many months.
He engaged in a wide range of exercises designed to rebuild muscle, and made remarkable progress.
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The Admirable PPT,第三部分内容:课时基础过关
1.An earthquake ____________(突然发生)the area not long ago.
2.The years in prison were a ____________(噩梦).
3.We made a ____________(承诺)to keep working together.
4.There is an ____________ (继续进行的)debate on the issue.
5.As a ____________(记者), I can often go out to do interview or search news.
6.At that time, I wanted to be a ____________ (novel), but I dismissed the idea after a week.
7.There is a general ____________(aware) that smoking is harmful.
8.Nowadays there are so many ____________ (organise) coming about.
9.This means that if we feel depressed, we accept our feelings of ____________ (depress).
10.If you did so, you would lose the ____________ (move)of the knee.
11.He seems an ____________ (energy) person.
12.His ____________ (passion) speech had an effect on our emotions.
1.He ________________(被认为)one of the best students.
2.He was late ________________(由于)the very heavy traffic.
3.They ________________(参加选拔)the football team.
4.The young actress ________________(主演)dozens of films.
5.We ____________________________(取得显著的进步)in the last hundred years.
6.He ________________(作为……被铭记)a man who inspired a generation with hope.
1.Thus,not only is he known as a superhero in the Superman films, but he is also regarded as a superhero to many in real life.因此,他不仅在《超人》电影中被称为超级英雄,而且在现实生活中他也被很多人视为超级英雄。
[仿写] 英国人和美国人不但语言相同,而且有很多相同的风俗习惯。
The Americans and the British _____________________________________ share a large number of social customs.
2.It was only due to the ongoing support of his wife, family and friends that he eventually found the will to live again.
[仿写] _________________________ he can’t come.
When the clock struck twelve, she wanted to ask her son to have lunch.It struck her that he was not at home.She said that she would strike him with a stick when he came back.
1.形容词后缀:-ic, -ate
energy (n.)→energetic (adj.)
passion (n.)→passionate (adj.)
2.名词后缀: -ment, -ist, -ness, -tion
commit (v.)→commitment (n.)
move (v.)→movement (n.)
journal (n.)→journalist (n.)
novel (n.)→novelist (n.)
aware (v.)→awareness (n.)
organise (v.)→organisation (n.)
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The Admirable PPT,第四部分内容:课文整体突破
1.awareness n.认识;意识 aware adj.意识到的;察觉的
...he soon gained a reputation for raising awareness for good causes.(教材P59)
[合作探究] 体会awareness及其相关词的用法和意义
In order to raise people’s awareness of protecting our environment, we must make people around us aware of the importance of it first.为了加强人们的环境保护意识,我们必须首先让周围的人意识到环保的重要性。
Absorbed in my book, I didn’t become aware of his arrival.
Were you aware that something was wrong?你有没有意识到已经出了问题?
①raise one’s awareness ____________... 加强某人对……的意识
②make sb aware ____________... 使某人意识到……
③be/become aware ____________... 意识到……;察觉到……
④be/become aware ____________... 意识到……;察觉到……
[巩固内化] 单句语法填空
①With the level of haze(雾霾)rising greatly, many people work to raise public ____________ (aware) of environmental protection.
②Learning to be aware ____________ your body language can be very useful.
③As a member of society, I am aware ____________being responsible is what it takes to make a better society.
2.strike vi.& vt.突然发生(某种不幸);突然有坏的影响;打,击 n.打击;罢工;袭击
Unfortunately, in 1995 disaster struck Reeve.(教材P59)
[合作探究] 体会strike的用法和意义
A very big earthquake struck that country many years ago.
I was struck by her beauty.我被她的美貌所打动。
It struck me that we ought to make a new plan.
The workers went on strike, demanding better pay and working conditions.
①be struck ____________ 被……打动/迷住了
②____________ strikes sb that... 某人突然想起
③go ____________ strike 举行罢工
[巩固内化] 完成句子
①________________ you might like some coffee, so I’ve brought some up.
②The bus drivers ________________ last week.公共汽车司机们上星期举行了罢工。
③________________________________, we stopped to admire the beautiful scenery.
3.engage vi.参加;参与 vt.吸引;使参加;使订婚 engagement n.婚约;约会
He engaged in a wide range of exercises designed to rebuild muscle, and made remarkable progress.(教材P59)
[合作探究] 体会engage的用法和意义
He wants to engage (himself) in foreign trade.
=He wants to be engaged in foreign trade.他想要从事外贸工作。
My daughter was engaged to a young teacher.我女儿和一位年轻老师订婚了。
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The Admirable PPT,第五部分内容:语法整体突破
1.同义词是意义几乎相同的一组词语,它们词性相同。如look与see;ambition与hope, dream等。同义词虽然意义相同,但由于语义、感情色彩、语体色彩、词的搭配和位置分布的不同,有些同义词是有差异的,在不同场合要注意它的运用。
She is a vocalist, singer working in the CCTV.(这里的 singer是对前面的名词的解释。英语中常有一些这样的句子,我们可能不一定知道第一个名词的意思,但是紧跟其后的名词我们一定学过。)
A single spark can start a prairie fire.星星之火,可以燎原。
If A sells a watch to B, B buys a watch from A.
If A gives a pen to B, B receives a pen from A.
英语中有许多由一对反义词构成的固定搭配。例如:here and there, now and then, day and night, up and down, etc.
A white lie is better than a black lie. 一个善意的谎言总比一个恶意的谎言要好。
As long as the mind is enslaved, the body can never be free.
Pain past is pleasure.苦尽甘来。
East or west, home is best.东好西好,还是家里最好。
4.词根加上前缀/后缀形成反义词。前缀有im-, in-, un-等,后缀有-less等。
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《The Admirable》Topic Talk PPT Activity 1 Pair Work: Who do you admire? quality: a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something Activity 2 L..
《The Admirable》Viewing Workshop PPT Activity 1 What do you remember about Martin Luther King? Discuss the meaning of the two quotes. I have a dream that one day, on the..
《The Admirable》Writing Workshop PPT Activity 1 What is a summary? A brief statement or account of the main points of something. How do you write a summary? 1. Read the ..
发布于:2020-05-03 14:22:37
《The Admirable》SectionⅢ PPT
Ⅰ.Pre-listening—Translate the following words and phrases.
1.right n._______________
2.independence n. ________________
3.peaceful adj. ________________
4.racial discrimination ________________
5.inspiring adj. ________________
6.behind bars ________________
7.unfairly adv. ________________
8.protest n. ________________
9.What a shame! ________________
10.struggle n. ________________
11.self-evident adj. ________________
12.impressive adj. ________________
13.unfortunately adv. ________________
14.figure n. ________________
1.Finish Ex.2 & Ex.3 on Page 56.
2.Finish Ex.5~6 & Ex.7 on Page 57.
Ⅲ.Post-listening—Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
1.That’s when people were treated unfairly due to their skin colour.
2.He has also inspired people around the world to fight for equal rights and justice.
3.Gandhi was important also because he believed in the power of peaceful protests where no one was hurt.
1.Are you certain about that? 你确定吗?
2.Are you quite sure about your success? 你有把握成功吗?
3.I’m not sure that’s a good idea. 我不能肯定那是个好主意。
4.I suppose you have no doubt about that. 我想你对那件事毫无疑问吧。
5.I’ve no doubt of your ability. 我对你的能力没有怀疑。
6.I don’t know if they’ve got lost. 我不知道他们是否迷路了。
7.I’m quite sure things will improve. 我确信事情会好转的。
8.I’m not certain if he’s telling the truth. 我不能肯定他是否在说真话。
9.I couldn’t say for sure. 我不能肯定。
10.I can’t be certain of what time I left the office.我不能肯定我是什么时候离开办公室的。
1.Nelson Mandela 纳尔逊·曼德拉
2.Mohatma Gandhi圣雄甘地
3.Martin Luther King马丁·路德·金
5.Franklin Delano Roosevelt富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福
6.Mao Zedong领导人
7.Teddy Roosevelt西奥多·罗斯福
8.Margaret Thatcher撒切尔夫人
9.Adolf Hitler阿道夫·希特勒
10.Winston Churchill 温斯顿·丘吉尔
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The Admirable PPT,第二部分内容:language focus
1.judge vt.评价;判断 n.法官;裁判 judgement n.判断力;评价
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character...(教材P104)我梦想有一天,我的四个孩子将在一个不是以他们的肤色,而是以他们的品格优劣来评判他们的国度里生活……
[合作探究] 体会judge的用法和意义
We judged him to be an actor. 我们认为他是一个演员。
We shouldn’t judge a person by/from his appearance.
Judging from/by what he said, he must be an honest man.
①judge sb/sth (to be)+adj./n. 认为某人/某物……
②judge...____________... 根据……来判断……
③judging from/by 根据……来判断
[名师提醒] judging from/by...为独立成分,其中的judging用现在分词形式,其形式的选择不受上下文的影响。
as far as I can judge据我判断
judge between right and wrong判断是非
①____________ from his appearance, he must be an honest man.On the contrary, he often steals things, so the ____________ points out that we shouldn’t ____________ a man by his looks.
②As a ____________, he has good ____________ and never ____________ a person by his appearance.
2.respect vt.& n.尊敬;敬佩 respected adj.受人尊敬的
I really admire and respect him, and there’s no doubt that he was one of the most important figures of the 20th century.(教材P105)
[合作探究] 体会respect的用法和意义
We respect him for his wide range of knowledge.
We have been told to show respect for our elders.
She finally gained the respect of her neighbors.她最终赢得了邻居的尊重。
①respect sb ____________ sth 因某事而尊重某人
②have/show respect ____________... 尊敬/敬重……
③gain/win/earn the respect ____________... 赢得……的尊重
lose the respect of... 失去……的尊重
out of respect 出于尊重
with respect to 关于,就……而言
[巩固内化] 用适当的介词填空
①For our future generations, we must show respect ____________ nature, increasing the amount of waste we recycle.
②He is always ready to help those in trouble, so he wins the respect ____________ his classmates and teachers.
③It’s an honour to deliver a speech here and out ____________ respect I’d like to introduce my teacher first.
④She has always been honest with me, and I respect her ____________ that.
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《The Admirable》Topic Talk PPT Activity 1 Pair Work: Who do you admire? quality: a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something Activity 2 L..
《The Admirable》Viewing Workshop PPT Activity 1 What do you remember about Martin Luther King? Discuss the meaning of the two quotes. I have a dream that one day, on the..
《The Admirable》Writing Workshop PPT Activity 1 What is a summary? A brief statement or account of the main points of something. How do you write a summary? 1. Read the ..
发布于:2020-05-03 14:22:37