《Welcome back to school对话》对话PPT课件2
“he” or “she”?______ is Chen Jie.
“he” or “she”?______ is Mike.
The woman is a ____________.
The girl is a _____________.
... ... ...
This is _________.
She is a new ______________.
She’s from _______________.
... ... ...
Where are you from?
I’m from _____________
Look ,ask and answer.
《Welcome back to school!》Lets talk Flash动画课件2 本课件通过动画的形式将《Welcome back to school!》中的Lets talk展示给学生,形象生动,趣味性强,是很好的英语教学辅助课件..
《Welcome back to school!》Lets talk Flash动画课件 本课件通过动画的形式将《Welcome back to school!》中的Lets talk展示给学生,形象生动,趣味性强,是很好的英语教学辅助课件..
《Welcome back to school!》教学建议PPT课件 第一课时 教学要求 1. 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。 2. 能够在语境中理解We have two new friends today. Im from 的语用功..