《It's warm today》PPT课件3
Let’s play a chant!
Spring, spring, spring is warm;
Summer, summer, summer is hot;
Autumn, autumn, autumn is cool;
Winter, winter, winter is cold.
Group work
1.Read the text and translate it.
2. Try to recite it.玩耍
... ... ...
warm cold hot cool
1. It is ___ in spring.
2. It is ___ in summer.
3. It is ___ in autumn.
4. It is ___ in winter.
1.It’s sunny today.
2. It’s windy today.
3.It’s snowing today.
4.It’s raining today.
5.It’s hot today.
... ... ...
hot _ warm _ cool_ cold _
windy _____ sunny_____
raining_______ snowing_____
It’s ____ and ____ today.
《It's warm today》PPT课件2 Group work 1.Read the text and translate it. 2. Try to recite it. (大声读课文,注意汉语意思并尽量背诵) 快来看一看,读一读,连一连吧! 1.Its s..
《It's warm today》PPT课件 season 季节 we 我们 spring 春天 warm 暖和的 summer 夏天 hot 热的 autumn 秋天 cool 凉爽的 winter 冬天 cold 寒冷的 In Harbin its cold in winter ...