《He lives in the east of the US》PPT课件
have a rest休息一下
Los Angeles洛杉矶
New York纽约
Washington DC华盛顿
... ... ...
about the US
1.Washington DC is the _____of the US.
2.New York is in the _____ of the US.
3.Los Angeles is in the _____ of the US.
4.People in the US speak(说)_______.
speak 说(某种语言)
Some Phrases.
in the US在美国
speak English 说英语
live there 住在那儿
in the east/west/north/south of...
live in New York 住在纽约
the capital of the US 美国的首都
want to go to the US 想要去美国
visit your cousin 拜访你的堂兄
... ... ...
I live in the east of China.
Simon lives in the east of the US.
Does he live in Los Angeles?
No, he doesn't.
Does he live in New York?
Yes, he does.
1._____ is New York? It's in the east of the US.
A.What B. Where C.When
2.I want _____(go) to Los Angeles one day.
3.She ______(want) to visit Shanghai one day.
4.Let's _____ a rest. A.have B.has C.had
5.Does she _____ in Tianjin? No, she doesn't.
A.lives B. live C.lived
6.—_____ New York the capital of the US? —No, it isn't.
A.Was B.Is C.Does
7.—_____ he live in London?—No, he doesn't.
A.Do B.Does C.Is
8.选词填空。Maybe in of
(1)The zoo is ___ the east of our city.
(2)Beijing is the capital ___ China.
(3)_____ you can visit your cousin.
《He lives in the east of the US》PPT课件3 在......的东边 in the east of ... 在......的西边 in the west of ... 在......的南边 in the south of ... 在......的北边 in the no..
《He lives in the east of the US》PPT课件2 This country is China This country is the US. Listen and Answer What language do people in the US speak? Which city is the capi..