《It's more than four hundred metres high》PPT课件2
Tell me about the Great Wall.
How long is the Great Wall?
It’s more than forty thousand li long.
How old is the Great Wall?
It’s more than two thousand years old.
What did you learn in unit 1?
多长 how long
在…附近 near
沿着 along
超过 more than
千米,公里 kilometre
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1. How long is the Great Wall?
2.It’s more than forty thousand li long.
3.How old is it?
4.It’s more than two thousand years old.
帝国大厦(Empire State Building),是一栋超高层的现代化办公大楼,是当时使用材料最轻的建筑,建成于西方经济危机时期,成为美国经济复苏的象征,它和自由女神像一起被称为纽约的标志。它位于美国纽约市的一栋著名的摩天大楼,共有102层,1930年动工,1931年落成,只用了410天,1931年5月1日,世界最高建筑,纽约帝国摩天大厦在盛大的仪式下正式开典。它的名字来源于纽约州的别称帝国州(Empire State),所以英文原意实际上是“纽约州大厦”。
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Practice:fill in the blanks
Simon,look at this building.It’s so ___!It’s the_______. It’s an ______.Can you tell me more about it?All right.It’s ____eight years old.And it’s more than four hundred ____ high!Wow,that’s really____!
The building is 200 metres high.
The bridge is more than two kilometres long.
The river is 500 metres wide.
《It's more than four hundred metres high》PPT课件 Sing the song:The Great Wall of China How tall is the tree? Its thirty meters tall. How old is it ? Its eight hundred y..