《May I Speak to Kitty?》PPT
《May I Speak to Kitty?》PPT
Think and number
What do you think is the most useful? Number the following things from 1 to 5.
Let’s learn
mobile phone
make a phone call
go on the Internet
send a message
read an e-book
send an e-mail
... ... ...
《May I Speak to Kitty?》PPT,第二部分内容:Summary
1. 词组:
mobile phone make a phone call
go on the internet read an e-book
send a message send an e-mail
... ... ...
《May I Speak to Kitty?》PPT,第三部分内容:Homework
2.将“Let’s learn”部分词组每个抄写两遍。
3.预习“Let’s talk”。
《May I Speak to Kitty?》MP3音频课件 文件内包含本课教学使用的MP3音频文件,非常适用于本课教学。
《May I Speak to Kitty?》Flash动画课件 本课件为《May I Speak to Kitty?》的歌曲Flash动画课件,适合小学英语学习。
《May I Speak to Kitty?》PPT下载 第一部分内容:Lead-in Free talk take photos read e-books watch news play games call your friends listen to music Lets talk (1) Are mobile..