《Touch and feel》PPT课件
《Touch and feel》PPT课件
第一部分内容:Look and say
The elephant is smooth and hard.
The elephant is big and thick.
The elephant is big and soft.
The elephant is long and thin.
The blind men and the elephant
There are _____ men under a tree. They cannot ______. They are ______. One day, a man comes with his __________.
The four men _______ see the elephant, but they can ______ it.
One man touches the elephant’s tusks and says the elephant is _______. Another man touches its ______ and says the elephant is _______. Another man touches its _______ and says the elephant is _______. The last man touches its leg and says the elephant is _______.
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《Touch and feel》PPT,第二部分内容:Let’s chant
Blind man, blind man.
The man is blind.
Blind man, blind man.
He can not see.
Blind man, blind man.
He can touch .
He needs help.
Let’s help him.
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《Touch and feel》PPT,第三部分内容:Choose and say
hard soft smooth rough cold hot warm …
How does the orange feel?
How _____ the desk feel?
How ______ the desks feel?
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《Touch and feel》PPT,第四部分内容:Assignment:
Play“Touch and feel” game with your classmates.
WB P92: Reading
《Touch and feel》PPT下载 第一部分内容:What do you like? I like How does it feel? / How do they feel? Everything at Once--Lenka As warm as the sun, as silly as fun As co..
《Touch and feel》PPT 第一部分内容:Riddle. Its big . Its soft. It likes grass and fruit . What is it ? Blind man, blind man. The man is blind. Blind man, blind man. Lets..