Do you like drawing / painting?
What do you use to draw/paint?
What’s this?
It’s a brush.
What are these?
They’re paints.
There are two erasers.
Which one is on the left.
... ... ...
《Art》PPT,第二部分内容:Read and circle the correct answers.
1.Why does Kitty like the oil painting?
a She likes the colours.
b She likes the stars.
2.Why does Joe like the Chinese ink paintings?
a He likes the horses. The horse looks powerful.
b He likes the ideas.
3. A Chinese ink painting is usually_______?
a colourful.
b in black and white.
... ... ...
Which one do you like?
I like the one on the left/ on the right.
I like the colours. The night sky is beautiful.
I like horses. This horse looks powerful.
《On the road》PartⅤ PPT 第一部分内容:写作指导 本单元的写作任务是写一篇英语名信片,是告知旅游状况的明信片。 内容主要包括旅游见闻,旅行感受,作者的行为,和作者下一步的行..
《On the road》PartⅣ PPT 第一部分内容:命题专家说题型 高考英语听力命题特点(二) (1)题材广泛 涉及英语国家日常生活的许多方面:购物、就餐、打电话、问路、看..
《On the road》PartⅢ PPT 第一部分内容:教材原文呈现 Hi Amy, We made it!My family and I have managed to cross the North American continent,from western to eastern Cana..