《Tigers and Bears》Animals at the zoo PPT课件
《Tigers and Bears》Animals at the zoo PPT课件
Welcome to the zoo!
tiger 老虎
【例句】The tiger is white and black.
The tiger hunts in the night.
bear 熊
【复数】 bears
【例句】The bear is cute.这只小熊非常可爱。
I have two bear toys.
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Tigers and BearsPPT,第二部分内容:Long or short?
1Look at the elephant.
Its nose is long.
Its tail is short.
2Look at the rabbit!
Its ears are long.
Its tail is short.
重点句型一 It's long. 它很长。
重点句型二 It's short. 它很短。
【详解】It's 是 It is 的缩写形式。
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Tigers and BearsPPT,第三部分内容:Test
b___r t__ger
l__ng sh__t
( ) 1. — Monkey's tail is long.
( ) 2. — Rabbit's tail is long.
( ) 3. Elephant's nose is long.
1.It's long. 它很长。
2.It's short. 它很短。
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Tigers and BearsPPT,第四部分内容:Homework
1、将“Long or short?”部分抄写三遍并背过。
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