《Danny's Surprise Cake》Li Ming Comes Home PPT
《Danny's Surprise Cake》Li Ming Comes Home PPT
Hello, my dear students.
Hello, Mr./Miss...
How are you today?
I’m fine.
How is the weather today?
It’s sunny.
Who can remember what Jenny, Danny and the others did before Li Ming went home?
What did Li Ming do ?
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Danny's Surprise CakePPT,第二部分内容:Presentation
Who is he?
He is Danny.
The cake is heavy,so he walks slowly.
Story time
What do the cookies look like?
Every cookie looks like a student in the class.
What did Danny forget to put in his cake?
He forgot the sugar.
What did Danny put in his cake for a surprise?
Every piece of cake has a dollar in it.
What did Li Ming find in his cake?
He finds a letter and a piece of very old, very dry cake.
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Danny's Surprise CakePPT,第三部分内容:Consolidation and Extension
Danny gets up ______ in the morning. His class is going to have a ______. Danny is going to make a ______. ______ do you make a cake? Does Danny ______? No, he _______! He puts flour, eggs, oil, milk and salt in the cake, but he forgets the _______. Danny carries his cake to school. He walks slowly and he is _______ for school. Mr. Wood brings some __________for the party. Jenny brings some_______. ________cookie looks like ______ ______ in the class.
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Danny's Surprise CakePPT,第四部分内容:Homework
1.学生分组活动,要求根据自己不同的活动和动作,说出与本节相关的词语和句子 。
《Again,Please!》Li Ming Comes Home PPT 1. Listen and circle. 2. Listen and write. 1.Will you come to my ________tomorrow? Sure! 2.What time does it________? At 9:00. ..
《Danny's Surprise Cake》Li Ming Comes Home PPT教学课件 第一部分内容:Warm-up What a special cake! Story time Fast reading How many surprises are there in Danny's cake? T..
《Danny's Surprise Cake》Li Ming Comes Home PPT课件 第一部分内容:课堂小结 本部分是一则故事,故事的大概内容为:在上学的最后一天,丹尼的班级将举办一个聚会,丹尼做了一个藏..