感恩节的三封信PPT文件简介: 感恩节的三封信:感恩家人,感恩父母,感恩朋友,感恩老师; The texts of my letters began something like, 我的信是这样开头的: " Here, this Thanksgiving at sea, I find my thoughts upon how much you have done for me , but I have never stopped and said to you how much I feel the need to thank you-" “在这里,这个在海上的感恩节,我回想起了你们为我付出的一切,但是我却从来没有对你们说过我多么感激你们。” And briefly I reccalled for each of them specific acts performed on my behalf. 我回忆起他们为我做的特殊的事情的简短片段。 For instance, something uppermost about my father was how he had impressed upon me from boyhood to love books and reading. 比方说,我父亲做出的最让我印象深刻的事便是他培养我从小就爱读书。 In fact, this graduated into a family habit of after-dinner quizzes at the table about books read recently and new words learned. 实际上,这种做法最终演变为一种家庭习惯——饭后桌前围绕最近读的书和新学词汇的小测试。 My love of books never diminished and later led me toward writing books myself. 我对书籍的热爱从未褪色过,之后这种热爱也促使我开始自己写书。 ... ...