《I'll help to clean up the city parks》PPT课件14
课 前 预 习
1. 信; 函n.________________
2. 女士; 小姐n.____________
3. 有残疾的adj.____________
4. 瞎的;失明的adj.__________
5. 聋的adj._______________
6. 想象; 设想v._____________
7. 困难; 难题n.____________
8. 开; 打开v._______________
9. 门n._____________________
10. 拿; 提; 扛v.____________
... ... ...
21. set up________________________
22. make a difference____________
23. a friend of mine______________
24. because of __________________
25. be able to___________________
26. a photo of him ______________
27. thanks for doing_____________
28. Best wishes __________________
29. You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky.
30. It makes a big difference to my life.
31. Thank you again for changing my life.
... ... ...
课 堂 小 测
1. Can you _______(想象) what life will be like in the future?
2. He can’t see anything. He is a ________(盲的) man.
3. I have _________(困难) finding the way to the hotel.
4. He is so kind that he often helps the _________(残疾的).
5. John was _______ (兴奋的) when he heard the good news.
6. 黄老师对我的生活产生了很大的影响。
Mr. Huang _________________ my life.
7. 这些孩子们对这次的郊游感到非常激动。
The children _______________ the trip.
8. 向你们所有人致以最美好的祝愿。
___________________ to all of you.
... ... ...
课 后 作 业
( ) 1. Your ______ make it possible for the boy to go to school.
A. kind B. happy
C. kindness D. happiness
( ) 2. Children are all excited ________ the coming holiday.
A. about B. of C. with D. from
( ) 3. It’s hard to ______ living in a place where there are no telephones or cars.
A. realizeB. know C. imagine D. think
( ) 4. Thank you for _______ to my report.
A. listen B. listened
C. listening D. to listen
( ) 5. ________ the bad weather, I have difficulties getting there on time.
A. Because B. Because of
C. With the help of D. Thanks to
... ... ...
1. More and more people are taking part in ______.
2. I think ... is _____.
3. I’d like to be _____.
第二步:写明你要帮助的对象(如帮助老人、孩子或、病人等)、原因以及你能做的事。参考句型:1. I’d like to work as a volunteer for ______ . 2. I want to help out as a volunteer in ______ because_____.
3. I’m good at________.
4. I’m interested in__________.
5. I can __________.
1. If everyone can join in the volunteer work, I am sure the world will ___________.
2. I hope everyone can take an active part in helping others. Then we will have ______.
第四步: 检查自己的写作。(1. 要求的3个内容都写到了吗?2. 有否语法错误?)
《I'll help to clean up the city parks》PPT课件13 课 前 预 习 【单词】 1. 募集; 征集v._____________ 2. 午夜; 子夜n._____________ 3. 独自; 单独adv.__________ 4.修理; 修补v..
《I'll help to clean up the city parks》PPT课件12 课 前 预 习 【单词】 1. 几个;一些pron.______________ 2. 强烈的; 强壮的adj._____________ 3. 感觉; 感触n.________________..
《I'll help to clean up the city parks》PPT课件11 课 前 预 习 【单词】 1. 欢呼; 喝彩v.__________ 2.义务做; 自愿做v.志愿者n._______ 3. 标志; 信号n.__________ 4. 通告n.注意..