《A Visit to the Great Wall》In Beijing PPT课件
《A Visit to the Great Wall》In Beijing PPT课件
Story time
Today,Mrs. Li,Jenny,Danny and Li Ming are going to the Great Wall by bus.
“In China, we call the Great Wall ‘The Ten Thousand Li Great Wall’,”says Li Ming.
“The Great Wall is very old and very long. The oldest part is more than 2000 years old,”Li Ming goes on.
Danny and Jenny want to know more about the Great Wall.
“Well,in China, people say ‘He who does not go to the Great Wall is not a true man’,”says Li Ming.
“Great!So now I am a true man!Let me write my name on the Great Wall,” says Danny.
“No, Danny!Don’t draw or write on the Great Wall!Let’ s keep it clean and beautiful,”says Li Ming.
“What a wonderful place to visit!”says Jenny. “We are lucky to see it.”
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A Visit to the Great WallPPT,第二部分内容:课堂小结
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A Visit to the Great WallPPT,第三部分内容:课后作业
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